Sunday, December 2, 2012

cnn omfort Looking at Ch

Parliament, they will definitely explain everything toward you!"The half monster person slowly says.
"Soul jade?That thing actually over there?"Smile Luo Cha or so after hesitating say.
"Ha ha, far and beyond the horizon, near at at present!Young mankind, please take the half monster person's clan of hope alignment future ……"lightly wish a wish voice in, the entity turns of half monster the person is gradual to disappear, change into an in fine threads silver light, shoot into altar the center.But this ray , again on the stone system platform of altar the center, condense ability the globosity object of the circular appear in the dragon before flying two human faces.
The combat of vehemence's imitating a Buddha is like a dream.In the space in addition to the scar left to fight in times before can not find one silk murderous look any further.Looking at China of altar light four shoot of precious stone, the dragon flies and smiles Luo Cha to after hoping one eye, double double alignment altar.
The multicolored precious stone only has fist size, azure stone sort of superficially present 1 F unclearly mist.Flow in the precious stone inner part like the material of flowing water sort, let it seems to be mysterious but again precious.Long Fei who lightly stretches out a hand, just thinking take to take a precious stone and smile Luo Cha but jump the gun and tightly hold tight the hand that the dragon flies to say:"Eldest brother lets me comes to take!"
Finish saying, smile Luo Cha don't wait whether Long Fei agrees, stretches hand and then grasps to that precious stone as well!Look like agile precious stone, originally should for an instant namely get into the palm of smiling Luo Cha, however fact but rather smile Luo Cha to imagine so simple.Sees precious stone like take root on the altar, regardless smiling Luo Cha to use much strengths can not take it to take.
" Depend!This thing actually is what do?Is how can so heavy!"The hands grip still can not the precious stone picked up of smile Luo Cha, not from thick complaint way.
"Ha ha, Luo Cha, let me come to try!"Long Fei Yan laughs Luo Cha to have no achievement but return, not from move of say.At the moment, can not help thinking in Long Fei Xin, that precious stone only just can take to take by himself/herself.Unfortunately, the dragon flies of viewpoint inaccuracy, be when he stretch hand to touch a precious stone not only can not take it takes and on the contrary feels to upload to a burst of chill from the precious stone, calls his palm stiff benumbed!
"Does not the eldest brother is all right as well?Hum, I see this and is a half monster accounting of person to strive for!This rock root be even wearing is nether of rock, the mankind's strength isn't likely to move a mountains to all return to!Eldest brother, you step aside a point and let me chop down it!"Say, smile Luo Cha to again draw out a silver tooth, prepare to begin to separate precious stone and base!
"Luo Cha don't be hasty first!I always feel this precious stone to have never glued with base to match!Rather let's make an effort to try together!"Long Fei after obstructing smile Luo Cha again stretches out a palm.
"Is also good, however take don't come down of words, you will let I it to chop down!"Smile Luo Cha to nod to say.After Long Fei nods to promise, smile Luo Cha's left hand to hold tight the right hand that the dragon flies, 2 people stretch toward the precious stone at the same time and do last time of effort!
The miracle took place!Almost didn't use any strength, the precious stone then got into the palm that the dragon flies, and the felling of original chill, also in this a moment then of warmth comfort.Looking at China light four shoot of precious stone, Long Fei mumbling to oneself way:"Big world, anything-goes.Don't think that the person of half monster will also own thus mysterious strength!Seeing is regardless any races to all have the strength of hard imagination!"
"Eldest brother, you don't feel deeply about!Still decide now how we return to!Come of the road have already been blockaded, although does the front still have a cave,do not know to there!Do you see us are to break through rock, return from the original road, or continue to go forward and see a front to have no thoroughfare?"Smile the front and back of Luo Cha to hesitate to say.
"Boon …since half monster person says basically the existence of the breeze bead of having no ten thousand years, so we still beat to believe road and return to a half monster person small village!"Long Fei inching one consideration after say.
When proper 2 people prepared to make moves to act, but the precious stone in Long Fei Shou suddenly spread a burst of half monster person's voice:"Young mankind, you don't need at cross mountains mountain to wade across water to return to a half monster a person small village, you need to be gone forward courageously and pass the door of space, then can arrive you to want to go anyplace!"
"Boon?Are you still here?You return ability with do we have a conversation?"Long Fei interrogatively looking at a precious stone to ask a way,google.
"Ha ha, this is the forbidden ground that I guard, I can certainly have a conversation with you.But if left here, I would also lose any strength and completely died!"The half monster person's voice again response.
"That …we take the precious stone that you lodge at, don't equal to kill you?Can we really do so?"Long Fei continues to ask a way.
"Need not interrogative, I as early as 1,100 year agoses are dead, you take soul jade to leave here, is a heavenly will!But to me, then 1 kind sets free!I finally can trust of leave human life, Be died to a precious stone in!"Half monster humality.Finish listenning to the half monster person's words, Long Fei no longer says what.The facing smiles Luo Cha lightly on beckoning with the hand, 2 people then a front an after, the another a stairs of facing opposite walk!
Tread stairs,cnn, the dragon flies 2 people and discovers here and Be different from oneself the letter way running about in times before is so narrow and small.The air in the letter way's seeming is much refreshing, had no damp is as muddy as Hun in times before.Ask for help of the ray of light of precious stone, after 2 people run about slowly and upward for about ten minutes, a space of about 100 square meters appears in 2 people's view.
Walk into space, the 2 people wreath attends to on all sides.On the wall that sees obviation due east noodles depict the door of Gao Da Dun Shi together outside, the rest then is whole to is a long ago some ages mural!These mural, mostly show thousand year ago half monster the person live happily of prospects, but finally several war with then ruthlessness and bloody condition,Facebook.Seeing from the person of mural, the war isn't a half monster person the conflict of the inner part, but thousand year ago the third-time saint wartime, half monster the person and evil clan consociation is to the aggression that the mankind launch.
"Eldest brother, is these murals' aring seen the half monster person's history!Unexpectedly thousand year agos, has their culture been thus prosperous!However, how do we leave here?Here in addition to mural, only the door that draws on the wall!Would not° until we learn' wear wall Shu' go in?"Smile Luo Cha to after finishing seeing the mural on all sides walk up wall up depict of front door, with the scabbard of a sword of silver tooth after pounding stone wall, doubt of say.
"I think that the person of half monster since wants us to come here and believes to definitely have his truth!Boon ……"make reference to here, Long Fei suddenly discovers that the precious stone in hand sends forth with in times before different silvery ray of light.Long Fei who slightly has feeling Wu immediately understands the function of precious stone, sees Long Fei Shou hold a precious stone, slowly the facing stone wall front door walks.
Indeed as expected, when Long Fei more approaches stone wall, the silver on the precious stone light is also more dazzling.When the dragon flies to be apart from about one meter with stone wall front door of, that depicts on the wall front door to suddenly send forth and precious stone same glory!First from the edge of front door, in less than several seconds time, the whole a stone wall front door completely already drive silver light overaly!
"I am getting more understand!This door drive half monster the person's pioneer seals to print with the sorcery of'the door of transmission', but this precious stone then relieves the only sorcery tool for printing!Luo Cha, we can return to!"Long Fei's excitement says.
"Eldest brother, this door is to open, but we how can anyone know will it actually send to us to go there?"Smile a Luo saying of Cha misgiving.
"Ha ha, since everything all already such as half monster person say, so I believe the terminal point of this door certanly will will also at half monster person small village!Luo Cha, need not hesitant, we leave together!"Say Long Fei's right hand raises a precious stone, while the left hand starts to pull to smile Luo the Cha facing stone wall front door to walk!
When 2 people's figure completely disappears in the ray of light China Times in silver white, absolute being mountain inner part suddenly the vehemence vibrate, numerous rocks from last fall in.Altar from in the center and outwardly smash, four Gao Da Dun's half monster person statue like bean curd sort fall apart, the whole letter way, carve, mural all at this like disappear in the shivering of earthquake sort!The forbidden ground of half monster person's thousand in the last yearses thoroughly disappears in this a moment!

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