Sunday, December 9, 2012

google ow City Commission

Yellownew at the two hold Zhu Bing arm discipline inspection cadre makes a gesture ,two with Zhu Bing walked outside ,Huang Xinyou and Wu Lixin respectively with Qian Xinlin goodbye ,had gone with the Qian Xinlin County Sheriff , relationresultJinhua Townin County Zhu Bing of secretary of Party committee in the office of Qian Xinlin, was taken away ,and is dual gauge news ,instantaneous spread over the whole compound followed by came the Jinhua town team ,in addition to deputy alcalde Jiang Jian outside the team members all being dual gauge , relationresultThe whole of New Riverpolitics was shocked ,some ass clean leaders began so nervous ,maybe one day you can find some of their minds flexible cadre sees Jinhua town suddenly vacated so much position, immediately start thinking ,ready to move about , relationresultAction issuccessful ,all personnel are dual gauge ,no survivors Huang Xinyou and Wu Lixin came to Chen Ning office report , relationresultHuang Xinyou appears tobe in good out of a bandbox ,a young a lot like, Wu Lixin in front of Chen Ning is still a respectful look Chen Ning smile in his face ,and Huang Xinyou and Wu Lixin shook hands ,said happily : very good,google, yellow secretary ,establish new comrades ,you have worked hard , relationresultparty secretary Chen Jinhua Town ,not the whole team almost all broken ,as director and Deputy Secretary of the discipline of political science and law ,not found in time ,is my fault, I give you my review of Huang Xinyou pretends to be painful ,but still can not cover the face with excitement , relationresultHey ,yellow secretary ,how can this is your responsibility ,I am also not found ?If the letter letter report ,we also live in a drum .
Chen Ning comforts Huang Xinyou said ,then Chen Ning has another turn ,tone has become serious said: ,we still have a responsibility to discipline ,two months before the report Zhu Bing problem no attention, not to the committee report ,don be strictly ,this kind of behavior is dereliction of duty ,discipline appoint should make deep self-criticism , relationresultEver since,Chen Ning in the Wu Lixin report that the County Commission for Discipline Inspection in two months ago received the report after report Zhu Bing letter ,Min Shilong even more disaffected , relationresultparty secretary Chen ,is our commission for Discipline Inspection of the work ,after we go back, must have a good review Wu Lixin heard Chen Ning very severely criticized the Commission for Discipline Inspection ,is essentially to Min Shilong ,Secretary of a county Party committee to subordinate to the Secretary of discontent ,the Deputy Secretary means opportunity ,suddenly heart a chuckle to oneself but as a discipline appoint vice secretary ,he quickly stepped forward to review , relationresultA newcomrade ,although this time you can rapidly identify Jinhua town government case but before the report ,how do you no , relationresultYellowSecretary to report it , relationresultShow youthe comrade, or not enough vigilance ,as a discipline inspection cadres should be wary of you tonight, shall we organized process instance ,must take the problem know, tomorrow City Commission for Discipline Inspection of the investigation group is coming ,the case will be on your head ,must cooperate with the City Commission for Discipline Inspection survey group work Chen Ning Stern said to Wu Lixin , relationresultWhen Wu Lixin heardthe words of Chen Ning, seemingly Chen Ning criticizing him ,actually took the case to responsible for their own ,that Chen Ning still trust him very much, Wu Li-xin apologized and said : party secretary Chen ,I promise to put the case to do well ,will not live up to your expectations ,Chen Ning and Huang Xinyou go to ,to fulfil Chen Ning layout process audits , relationresultAfter Wu Lixin left,Chen Ning to Huang Xinyou said : from Comrade Jiang Jian reflect the material point of view, deputy head of Mi Zhiguo is also involved in Jinhua town of welfare distribution ,it what do you see ? , relationresultAlthough in Jinhua Town welfare allocation of Mi Zhiguo is on the list ,but each time the above a signature are led by Zhu Bing ,there is no evidence that M nation indeed involved in welfare distribution unless Zhu Bing admitted he was led for Mi Zhiguo ,and gave it to Mi Zhiguo to Mi Zhiguo finds in Jinhua Town welfare distribution of course ,does not rule out Zhu Bing to put the other members of the team down ,deliberately Mi Zhiguo as the assigned object this possibility Huang Xinyou said with a frown , relationresultSo ,yellow secretary ,you can talk to Mi Zhiguo once ,listen to m nation what he says, Chen Ning said , relationresultGood ,party secretary chen , relationresultNearwork, Fermin holding a stack of documents to enter Chen Ning office ,Chen Ning is sitting on the couch smoking ,New River had such a big act ,a town of almost the whole army was wiped out.
The leadership ,Chen Ning mood is not so easily , relationresultA smokeover, Chen Ning reached out his hand and think it smoke, found the fee prescribed also did not go, while in the sorting office desk ,while continuing with eyes peeked at himself ,as if there were something , relationresultChen Ning frowned,angry and said: things to say , relationresultparty secretary Chen ,that is ,Zhu Bing is money in the county office was taken away now rumour has it ,Jinhua Town * * big money ,county is also involved they say ,Zhu Bing is money County Office and money County offensive and defensive alliance was concluded ,the Secretary to the yellow block is Fermin make an ambiguous statement said .
relationresultFart Chen Ning could not help but said profanity, suddenly stood up ,Facebook,said angrily : who said this ,it is irresponsible ,money is with county yellow Secretary Zhu Bingwen in his office, these words are who said that ,say such things, certainly to be given disciplinary sanctions , relationresultNow ,outside many people passed on see Chen Ning becomes angry ,Fermin timidly said , relationresultChen Ning waved,schematic Fermin out heart be confused in mind ,a new settled down on the sofa ,slightly after a calm ,Chen Ning looked at the time ,now off in ten minutes ,Qian Xinlin was in the office ,Chen Ning decided to go to the office to go for money ,a mean elimination .
Rumors ,also comfort the county after all his hand picked up person, had made such a thing ,on who the also painful , relationresultChen Ningmade up his mind later ,walked out of the office ,to the opposite side of the county government building go to go to the county government building downstairs, just off the time ,the building of the staff walked out of the office ,was surprised to find that Chen Ning of secretary of county Party committee is step by step to go upstairs , relationresultNow,everybody knows the party secretary Chen in New River county is the real boss.
So ,see Chen Ning go upstairs ,one has been stopped, he exclaimed : party secretary chen , relationresultChen Ning looked ata respectful face ,think just fee Mingchuan words ,my heart
has an unspeakable taste but on the surface or beam fairly towards to greet people nod , relationresultAfterChen Ning went to the third floor ,cnn,just across Qian Xinlin out of office ,Chen
Ning asked with a smile : money County in the office ? , relationresultThesecretary is Chen Ning ,suddenly suddenly stopped ,his mouth wide open ,a strength of nod ,did a hesitating in
speaking said: Chen ,Chen county secretary ,money in the office ,I immediately to inform , relationresultChen Ningwaved his hand ,and said: no towards Qian Xinlin office to go ,
relationresultQian Xinlin isin a bad mood, this afternoon he single-handedly promoted Zhu Bing by dual regulation ,Qian Xinlin isn ,sad is ,Zhu Bing in the dual regulation before, also features
a trick himself ,Qian Xinlin hated myself before almost blind ,the wrong people ,is a strength of the nomination he served as a crucial position ,but I have been rejected Chen Ning
,otherwise they would follow it , relationresultWorse,Zhu Bing in his office by dual regulation ,outside even rumors ,Zhu Bing is in and make their own offensive and defensive alliance ,is Related articles:

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