Wednesday, November 14, 2012

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D now is what appearance, listen to the old king leaves of loose the meaning in the life, big prince Sa Latin should be still on the hoof, only can come to and knew for no one.
"Pay a courtesy call on princess' his highness."After all big ministers pay a courtesy call on to end, the little princess starts being exactly to take over domestic affairs, until her elder brother Sa Latin wake up.
"Everyone doesn't need a gift."Little princess after finishing saying, according to wave letter signaling hint of big manager, sit last the seat of power of that high empire.
"Database tower prince!"The first people invoked by little princess are his/her own close uncles, have been being responsible for garrison to hand over boundary district key figure with sea clan of will get.
"Minister at!"The database tower prince row checks in.
"Invite will we the serious circumstance in national now toward everyone notify for a while, we are also starting taking the offensive!"Little what princess was calm says, but arouses the panic of present big ministers, these years of empire always is pull with Thimphu the empire is advertising for a war,say this nation unexpectedly is ceasing fire a pact to just sign to have no how long, again have been already opened hostilities?
"BE!"The database tower prince cleaned up for a while from, F of throat, then have already reported a news that has been concealing to all people, also aroused the fearing of person of present havings, the empire unexpectedly had a so great circumstance, but at sit of everyone, but have no one knowing.
At those early years database tower the prince just arrived key figure Ya Er Ta whom empire and sea clan handed over boundary of time, really is the garrison forces that led the region at always and sea clan battle, but, the sea clan had been living in the sea, and although the water soldier of database tower prince was notalso very crack,compared with basically don't know that the sea clan that exactly had how much was compared with, the amount showing really is too little.So actually, the database tower prince basically didn't take the offensive, but had been being carrying on to defend and kept sea clan from offending killing in the ground.
But, this circumstance changed when the degenerative finds out an old king, after getting the old king's permission, the amount huge Wu works properly leaving behind of army corps and evil clan the army corps set out Ya Er Ta and also became there a Wu works properly of city, Ya Er Ta guards a soldier to be responsible for defend inside of all common people all be moved to walk,cheap dr dre beats, and guard a soldier again afterwards also all drive the Wu work properly the troops of clan soldier and evil clan take over.
So, at done in complete secrecy in, the key figure of the empire Ya Er Ta left for database tower prince thus of a personal type other of have no mankind any further.
But the Wu work properly army corps and evil clan army corps beginning, for going on expedition sea clan, these depravities that basically don't know to die s crazily massacre those sea clans, while there is one part in the dead body of these sea clans drive database tower the prince sent to emperors all and became old king to give an account that there am arousing the evidence of war to own subjects of a ruler.
Finally, sea clan really gross out degenerative the army corps didn't stop of aggression, finally surrendered, and war in this time, also stop.This is to say, sea clan now already and degenerative s alliance, but empire of key figure Ya Er Ta but be controled by the degenerative, empire of the front door have already controled at the hand of degenerative in.
After yesterday received the little princess' order, emperors all all troops start looking for those conceal in the emperors all inside of depravities, but, there is no a result, those who deprave seems to have already known a revolting of old king, so early have already all left emperors.
After finishing listenning to the report of database tower prince, the whole assembly hall has already been getting more disorderly, big ministers have no quiet appearance any further and quarrel each other, it is a true news to absolutely dare not believe this, but, at see database tower prince the ashamed facial expression and little princess is calm of face after, they have to accept the reliability of this news.
"Do you mind if I ask a question?"The wave dint pulled out silk representative as big ministers to walk out for ducal this time.
"Please speak, now result like this, all royal because of we of reason!So, if you have what problem, can put forward now, we will give you the solution one by one of, but, this after, I hope that everyone can be earnest and sincere to cooperate."Was full of a warning in the tone that the little princess is calm, seem at warn those people who have disloyalty not to have again what other viewpoints, because empire now of all of main army corps, still all control an utterly loyal big minister hand at the empire in and the empire imperial house's hand in.
"Yes, princess' his highness, we absolutely can't falter for the loyal of empire.I want to ask database tower prince, you at the beginning lead of water soldiers of the the crackest empires, now where?Because soldier's department has never descended to deliver any make to the their adjustings."The wave dint pulls out ducal vision of silk to brightly looking at database tower prince.
"All of them are the warriors of the crackest empire, also the soldier of honest empire.So, they have already all died in battle, leaves my this army corps Be long to still keep still living in in this world, represent water soldier army corps of the empire still don't disappear."Database tower prince the answer this time have no interesting ashamed and regret, but was full of pride.
"Database tower prince, that why do you still need to seek me to want wine?"Mo Yan Chou is finally unbearable this time doubt of ask.
"Because, they were all good kid before, they all liked drinking, but the soldier was to forbid the bibulous, I was unable to do to them what affair, can send some wine to them in this time and hope that they can also drink in the night boundary."The database tower prince answers of time very of woe.And Mo Yan Chou also immediately apologize.
The whole assembly hall is all again disorderly to get up, because disappearing of empire exactly an army corps, they unexpectedly some newses all have no, this lets these empire of heavy the ministers basically can not accept.
Looking at an empire dynasty hall up go it blind one regiment, similar to a flock of peddler who is haggling on the market big ministers, Mo Yan Chou is tiny to tinily wrinkle up eyebrows, is discussing this affair this time, whether have already had a little a night?
"Is quiet,is this the qualities of your nobility?You see yourselves, and those civilians what differentiation does the appearance while buying vegetables have again?"The little princess finally got mad and looking at these noisy come noisy go to, but could not say big ministers of a little useful news, the little princess cuts up rough of the Xun scold because cutting up rough of little princess, these big ministers immediately of calmness come down.Although the little princess is only the tallest man at the wheel that just was empire, and, also doing not know exactly can administer how long, , as long as she sits on that position, can dominate the whole empire."There is still more pathetic news hasn'ting been telling you, here, I had to speak favorably to forget Huang to get the lord Mo Yan Chou's duke at first, although he was my fiance, , here the Kua was great he but don't take private feelings of one silk.Now, ask the news that you listen to Mo Yan Chou's duke!"The little princess signals hint Mo Yan Chou to speak to forget Huang at first ascend of circumstance.
Mo Yan Chou is very tiny rightness of little princesses gongs for a while body, then start to all big ministers relate to forget Huang at first ascend of circumstance.
"Forgetting original north of Huang to carry at us is Black Sea an ice ocean, I have to sorrily tell everyone now, those who deprave may have already Black Sea passed ice ocean, because while leaving lately, I also kill in person a flame Bian puts up at, but this flame Bian put up at according to our calculate, only is the forward of exploring the way of those who deprave."
"Lived in to forget Huang at first those the subjects of a ruler of mine of the most northern part to tell me, next year, those who deprave would start an attack of fieriness, while I arrived emperors all come of an important purpose, be hope to get imperial support, I didn't need the troops' support, want ~only supplies of support, because although we can also say there is a products abundant, , still have a lot of supplieses supply not up.I hope our all people can solidify unanimously and spend together current of difficult situation, this is also an important test to our empire!"Mo Yan Chou's words again of brought about controversy in the crowd, the empire is unexpectedly Related articles:

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