Sunday, November 18, 2012

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It is dead.I originally thought that I wasn't likely to revenge for parents forever, but your arrival I saw a hope."Nine tail foxes looking at to dilute to thinly say week night.
"Is not ……" week night blunt unbearable wry smile.
However is temporarily curious, incredibly many tail ……
"Although I am a monster clan,I can be with the incarnation."Nine tail foxes suddenly and proudly say.
"Incarnation ……beauty?I am to this immunity!"Is false to beauty immunity, but know perfectly well to one is the beauty that the fox becomes.Is blunt week night still will keep at a respectful distance ground:"It is much less.I have already had many wives, again many I can can not stand.Much less be still a coquette!"
"You ……" nine tail foxes let to hurtle a lane week night of some tempers all have no:"That you exchange blows to still have a hundred years with space in the tower and kill in fighting me in time enough tower in this a hundred years several ten thousand times!Do you prepare to let to killed in fighting me in tower, then revenge for me?"
It was blunt to have some to impatiently once turn round week night, will leave.But he has already released to forbid to make of nine tail foxes suddenly the figure is one Shan, become the beauty of a whole body fire red clothes to stand to hurtle in front on week night, the eye full of tearsly looking at to hurtle week night.
Hurtle to see her this appearance week night, on the contrary feel some cant not bear to heart ……
"Like well, calculate calculate, you love to follow and then follow!Anyway 100 years aren't long either, wait me and space in the tower after exchanging blows, you leave!"It is blunt to helplessly say week night.
Finish saying, blunt stretch hand a week night hold tight nine tail foxes, press she abruptly prototype once, cast away shoulder up, the figure is one Shan, disappear in the unreal of monster.
After several minutes, it is blunt to take nine tail foxes to appear in the unreal of absolute being week night.The unreal of absolute being is all different from the unreals of the unreal, person of monster, have never ordered some starlight to embellish the next unreal here, only everywhere all yes mainland, the mainland here is crowded crowded get, seem to all want to can not let go,beats by dre uk.Being regarded as a ground of wide person on the mainland is sparse, could not see shadow of human figure.
"Is slow, someone!"Was blunt to want to move forward just week night, nine tail foxes but lived his action.
"Someone?"Hurtle one Leng week night, the mentality sends forth all of a sudden to go out and immediately felt to be apart from he not far place, a few vain shadow of human figures just and in the sky drift.
"Do not you know that the person of the unreal of absolute being all in fact is a phantom?All of them are spirit bodies."Nine tail foxes looking at blunt week night, have some to self-satisfiedly say.
"I also really don't know, first time come be not!"Is blunt don't feel to throw a person as well week night, say very naturally.
This pours is make nine tail foxes feeling some Be getting more boring, simply shut up not to talk.Is blunt to let out mentality week night, carefully at they in the center the ground avoid in the crevice and go forward.But walked for a long time.Seem to be also to can not find to there is obvious center district here, also can not find and seek a ground of target.
"Coquette, here where can find out real strenght strong arrive with I about guy?I think that the combat method that see them is how."It is blunt to cannot help but turning head to looking at nine tail foxes on the shoulder week night.
"Don't call my coquette, I have a word of, I call a Lai a kind of insect!"Nine lookinging at of tail fox disaffection hurtles week night:"The their ground combat method is in fact easy, complete of mentality storm.To monster clan.And the unreal of absolute being of ghostly fight is very disadvantageous, because the monster clan is a mentality to fix to do a worst ethnicity in three clans.Certainly, this is opposite to come to say, the real strenght attains you this degree, the mentality and other strength don't have much differentiation."
", I understood.That not is say as long as the mentality that controled them, did they completely have no function?"It is blunt to hear here happy week night.
To say a mentality control blunt week night but experienced person, deal with the individual of pure mentality.It is extremely simple to pour.Certainly, this premise makes the mentality isn't equal to he, it is with him to about just go at least.If the other party mentality exceeds him too many, still difficult to do,cheap dr dre beats!
"It theoretically is so.But have who dare to say that the mentality can exceed together class real strenght of the unreal ground of the absolute being ghostly clan?Majority of results are perhaps on the contrary been anti- by the somebody else's mentality to bite to pour is true."Nine the tail fox Lai a kind of insect the swing descend beautiful big tail to say.
"Your returning is really a coquette, are you how can anyone know?Do you usually come here?And, you seem to excel of is also a mentality?Are you also a ghostly clan?Ghostly coquette?"It is blunt to cannot help but to funnily say week night.
"I once said, don't call my coquette, I have a word!"Lai a kind of insect didn't answer week night a blunt ground of question, twist the head to part goes, don't see hurtle week night, it was angry to look,dr dre beats.
Hurtle Song shrug Bang week night.Decline to comment, also no longer talk, quietly touched a ghostly clan nearby, controled the mentality of this phantom.This phantom's looking is a beautiful woman, the real strenght was quite good, but compared to hurtle to still keep differing a great deal week night, week night hurtled to control, direct the mentality being week night hurtled dragged along nearby.
The memory that gets her, blunt immediately sent her to return to week night.Have mercy on that phantom still don't know anything ……
Get the memory of this phantom.The blunt facial expression becomes dignified week night.
"How?"The Lai a kind of insect sees the facial expression that hurtles week night, saw at once affirmation to what is up take place.
"We walk and return to the person's unreal first."Is blunt to finish saying week night, don't do an another explanation as well, directly disappear here, returned to the person's unreal.
Return to the person's unreal, week night hurtle don't grind to a stop, directly took a Lai a kind of insect to return to old Zu ground house, penned the strength of Lai a kind of insect to throw it to outside wait.Then a person see old Zu and week sky line.Although the Lai a kind of insect cuts up rough matchless.But real strenght not equal to person, in addition to mean exasperation.There are also no other ways.
"The come here descend declaration of war of space in the tower won the challenger of the unreal of absolute being!"Line and the first words of old Zu that is blunt to see a week sky week night, be come straight to the point, go straight to topic.
"What do you say?Does the challenge just start after being not a hundred years?"Week sky line and old Zu together and together one Leng.
"Yes.But the tower inside space go to the unreal of absolute being to descend declaration of war, the challenger of the unreal of absolute being to space in the tower unpleasant to look at, speak irony.But have never thought, space in the tower however is to use ten minutes, beat that ghostly clan challenger to the absolute being soul to put out all."Is blunt wrinkly week night the eyebrows say.
Line and old Zu are stunned speechless a while week sky, the along whiles didn't talk and seemed drive this news to surprised Be getting more foolish!
Although they don't know the challenger of ghostly clan exactly is what kind ground real strenght, they know, the real strenght that the person owns of the unreal ground of absolute being absolutely is can not small Qu ground, even those three absolute being in the individualses, vanquish the challenger of ghostly clan, exceeded prescriptive time.Although this doesn't expel absolute being is to intentionally induce that challenger,also is good enough to even if and so being getting more violent of the unreal challenger of explaining the absolute being.
But now, the challenger of the unreal of monster incredibly used ten minutes and then vanquished the challenger of the unreal of absolute being, so space in the challenger tower of the unreal of monster has of real strenght, completely Hai person.Because, even is line in the week sky and old Zus didn't have confidence unreal of vanquishing the absolute being to choose within ten minutes of challenger.
If the fact is really so.Blunt hundred years face after so week night of the challenger of the unreal of monster is just etc. to die.
"I in person confirm for a while!"The professional jargon sound didn't fall and had already disappeared in the house week sky.
Led along while, the line came back week sky and took one face of heavy, but heavy medium seem and take a consolation!Old Zu and week night are blunt to looking at a week sky of line.Didn't talk, just waited for line openings in the week sky.
"Ghostly clan most fear of is what?"The line didn't say how the affair on the contrary asked such a question throughout week sky.
"The strength of the pure sun!"It is blunt to blurt week night.
"That's right, the strength of the ghostly clan belongs to the strength of pure Yin, but what monster clan owns Related articles:

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